哈拉瑞(Yuval Noah Harari)這段2018年TED分享,實在是讓人產生極具實感的共鳴和高層次反思。
“Fascism is what happens when people try to ignore the complications and to make life too easy for themselves.”
“There is just one yardstick: you teach the kids whatever serves the interests of the nation. The truth doesn't matter at all.”
“he problem with evil is that in real life, evil doesn't necessarily look ugly. It can look very beautiful.”
“Fascism makes people see themselves as belonging to the most beautiful and most important thing in the world -- the nation. And then people think, "Well, they taught us that fascism is ugly. But when I look in the mirror, I see something very beautiful, so I can't be a fascist, right?" Wrong. That's the problem with fascism. When you look in the fascist mirror, you see yourself as far more beautiful than you really are.”
思想家的真知灼見總某些程度的相應。在這個過於複雜又巨變的時代,人更不該為了簡化為了效率而走捷徑,此時以撒柏林(Isaiah Berlin)的價值多元論(pluralism)更加如同一盞明燈。
“Fascism and dictatorships might come back, but they will come back in a new form, a form which is much more relevant to the new technological realities of the 21st century. In ancient times, land was the most important asset in the world. Politics, therefore, was the struggle to control land. And dictatorship meant that all the land was owned by a single ruler or by a small oligarch. And in the modern age, machines became more important than land. Politics became the struggle to control the machines. And dictatorship meant that too many of the machines became concentrated in the hands of the government or of a small elite. Now data is replacing both land and machines as the most important asset. Politics becomes the struggle to control the flows of data. And dictatorship now means that too much data is being concentrated in the hands of the government or of a small elite.”
“Another technological danger that threatens the future of democracy is the merger of information technology with biotechnology, which might result in the creation of algorithms that know me better than I know myself. And once you have such algorithms, an external system, like the government, cannot just predict my decisions, it can also manipulate my feelings, my emotions. A dictator may not be able to provide me with good health care, but he will be able to make me love him and to make me hate the opposition. Democracy will find it difficult to survive such a development because, in the end, democracy is not based on human rationality; it's based on human feelings. During elections and referendums, you're not being asked, "What do you think?" You're actually being asked, "How do you feel?" And if somebody can manipulate your emotions effectively, democracy will become an emotional puppet show. “
“So what can we do to prevent the return of fascism and the rise of new dictatorships? The number one question that we face is: Who controls the data?…….How not to allow ourselves to be manipulated by those who control the data.”
“The enemies of liberal democracy, they have a method. They hack our feelings. Not our emails, not our bank accounts -- they hack our feelings of fear and hate and vanity, and then use these feelings to polarize and destroy democracy from within.”
“it is therefore the responsibility of all of us to get to know our weaknesses and make sure that they do not become a weapon in the hands of the enemies of democracy.”
“Getting to know our own weaknesses will also help us to avoid the trap of the fascist mirror…… somebody puts a mirror in front of your eyes that hides all your ugly bits and makes you see yourself as far more beautiful and far more important than you really are, just break that mirror.”
達賴喇嘛說,We are naturally driven by self-interest; it’s necessary to survive. But we need wise self-interest that is generous and cooperative, taking others’ interests into account.”
「究竟為什麼要學歷史?歷史不像是物理學或經濟學,目的不在於做出準確預測。我們之所以研究歷史,不是為了要推知未來,而是要拓展視野,要了解現在的種種絕非『自然』,也非無可避免。未來的可能性遠超過我們想像。」 《人類大歷史》